Thursday, January 5, 2012

And so it begins...

Looking forward to the future is something that is impossible to prevent, especially when the present seems to be stuck in a never changing rut. Going to a small college for four years definitely does not add to the feeling of being suspended in time. However, with the idea of graduation and the unknown looming ahead, it is time to consider where I, as well as my friends, will end up come May. Scary, right? For the past 21 years, I have always had some sense of what I would be doing or where I would be going, that is until now.

In trying to figure out my future, it has caused me to reflect back a lot on my life throughout the past three and a half years here at school. This reflection has without a doubt been extremely beneficial, for it has allowed me to see how much I have truly grown, as well as how much more room there is for me to continue to grow. I've often found that writing is a great way to not only get one's thoughts down but also to really looking inside a person and find out convictions and beliefs that had not been brought to the surface before. Thus, I'm hoping that this blog will help be a link between what I've learned from the past, what I experience in the present, and what I look forward to in the future.

"Every day is a new beginning. Treat it that way. Stay away from what might have been, and look at what can be."
- Marsha Petrie Sue

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